Therapeutic Laser Therapy
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- Jan, 12, 2024
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Dr. Angela will be offering Therapeutic Laser Therapy for both acute and chronic healthcare conditions starting in January 2024. Working on a cellular level, laser therapy regenerates cell function, thereby reducing inflammation, eliminating pain, and facilitating the healing process. Therapeutic Laser Therapy is a non invasive pain management modality that alleviates suffering for many healthcare […]
Ten Tips to Help Prevent Running Injuries. (#1)
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- Jul, 05, 2017
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Have your running form evaluated by a running expert. Better running economy and body awareness are achieved through developing an efficient and smooth running form. A smooth running form requires less energy and delays muscle fatigue. A person trained in running biomechanics can help detect flaws in your running form and show you how to […]
Ten Tips to Help Prevent Running Injuries. (#2)
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- Jul, 04, 2017
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Have a formal gait analysis performed, and use orthotics if recommended. Poor foot bio-mechanics such as heel strike, excessive pronation, or a very rigid or very flexible foot arch can lead to inefficiency and injuries. Most runners can control these problems by carefully selecting the right shoe type or by seeing an expert that can […]
Ten Tips to Help Prevent Running Injuries. (#3)
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- Jun, 30, 2017
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Wear the correct type of running shoes based on your foot type and running style. Not all running shoes are made alike. The type of shoe you need varies depending upon your foot type and style of running. A sports store that specializes in athletic footwear can you help you figure out what style might […]
Ten Tips to Help Prevent Running Injuries. (#4)
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- Jun, 19, 2017
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Talk with a running expert or coach to analyze your training program. Over-training, running injuries and poor performances are often the result of an ineffective training program. A good running coach can help you develop an appropriate training schedule to meet your running goals and prevent injury.
Ten Tips to Help Prevent Running Injuries. (#5)
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- Jun, 16, 2017
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Cross-train and include rest days in your training schedule. Cross-training helps to maintain your aerobic fitness while avoiding excessive impact forces from too much running. Including rest days in your training schedule allows your body to recover and adapt to a running workout.
Ten Tips to Help Prevent Running Injuries. (#6)
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- Jun, 15, 2017
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Gradually increase your mileage and periodize your training schedule. Good aerobic activity is the foundation of your running performance. The principle of progression and periodization means gradually preparing the body to handle workout stress. You slowly build up the amount of training you do along with bumping up the intensity. Periodization is the structure in […]
Ten Tips to Help Prevent Running Injuries. (#7)
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- Jun, 14, 2017
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Warm up and cool down before and after all runs and races. Before practices and competitions it is important to warm up. The faster the workout or race, the longer the warm up needed. A warm up of 5-10 minutes helps to flush out lactic acid build-up in muscles and prevents delayed muscle soreness.
Ten Tips to Help Prevent Running Injuries. (#8)
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- Jun, 13, 2017
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Stay hydrated and eat a well balanced diet. Avoid heat exhaustion and dehydration by prehydrating two hours prior to practice or competition with 16-20 ounces of fluids and another 8-10 ounces after warm-up. Take in 6-8 ounces of fluids every 15-20 minutes of exercise. Within two hours after exercise, re-hydrate with a pint (20-24 ounces) […]
Ten Tips to Help Prevent Running Injuries. (#9)
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- Jun, 09, 2017
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Include strength training in your running program. Strength training improves a runner’s body strength and overall athleticism. This in turn reduces muscular fatigue that leads to poor performance and injuries. Runners will benefit from a program of 2-3 strength training sessions per week. Strength training exercises should focus on all muscle groups including the trunk […]